Let Texans Decide


Lubbock News: Expanded Gaming Getting Traction in Texas

Yesterday, Everything Lubbock featured a story about gaming in Texas that had great input and support from local Lubbock leaders.

“There’s a lot of revenue that is going to surrounding states around Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana all have casinos so you don’t want that money to leave the state,” County Commissioner Rick Heinrich said.

In response to objections that expanded gaming might lead to increased crime, Lawyer, Tommy Turner said: “We had the same argument about bringing alcohol sales into the city limits. Do you see the city streets running awash with blood from the car wrecks.  No.  Did you see a crime spike.  No.  That’s just not a good argument.”

We agree with Mr. Turner and Commissioner Heinrich. Thanks for standing up for Texas. Bringing gaming to Texas will keep our money here, where it belongs.  It’s time to let Texans decide!